We adopt the East Sussex County Council admission procedures. If you would like to apply for a place at our school for a pupil in Year R-Year 6 please apply online, following the link below.
If you would like to apply for a place in our nursery, please contact the school office on 01273 513377 or e-mail
We will forward you an admission application and a copy of our Nursery Admissions Policy.
Open day arrangements for prospective parents/carers.
Each year during the autumn term, the school holds Open Day Sessions for parents/carers of children who will be of Reception age in the following September as an opportunity to see our school in action! These dates will be advertised through the school newsletter, on our website and in the local press. Prospective parents/carers who are considering our school for their child are welcome to visit the school on Open Day, when they will be given a tour of the school and have an opportunity for further discussion with the Headteacher (and, of course, with pupils) if they wish. They receive a copy of the School Prospectus and a Guide to Starting School at Denton. If this day is not convenient, or if your child is older than Reception age, please contact the school office for a suitable appointment.